E-voting system

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E-voting system

Post by msparida »

E-Voting System

Implementing of technology in every field of society would mechanically prevent the mischievous intention of repulsion intelligent ,improving more productivity, smooth living ,reduce cost ,harassment ,time ,giving perfect output.: simultaneously help to establish justice, humanity and liberty .
We may take in the field of voting system in our country. The current voting system is EVM (Electronic Voting Machine). Lakhs and Lakhs EVM ,Government personnel and political party people are being engaged for conducting the MP and MLA election .Government is investing cores and cores rupees , giving time and so many violence are being occurred which will invite again social chaos and creating disintegration in our society .

Now we would think new voting system to avoid the above expenditure, losses of time, violence, disintegration in below E-voting system

1-Government of India would open the E-Voting Website.
2- Eligible voter would register his/her name with details in E-voting website through own ID and password.
3-Details would be sent to his/her Block development officer or any regional election authority along with P.Code (Personal code) in same website
4-After physical verification, Block development Officer or any regional election authority would issue the secret personal code slip to individual voter.
5-Voter responsible to keep the secret personal code sincerely, secret personal code also be issued more times by giving authentic reason.
6-Voter would enter the E-Voting website through own ID and password , then putting own personal code ,it would display the voter detail then after click Ok , display constitution ,after selecting one constitution, It will display MLA or MP option. After clicking MLA or MP, one find name and symbol of candidate and reject option .After clicking support it will display confirmation option yes or no, then after yes; the voting process would be completed. Web generated confirmation message would be sent to mobile and email ID to voter.
7-One can casting vote first to MLA or Fist to MP, if it is conducting simultaneously on a day, and then one of voting option would be block.
8-No second option would be given in system for casting vote.
9- Chief Election officer of constitution, state Government and central Government can see the voting result parallelly.
10-Time will give for casting the vote for voter for any diverse situation.
Details of technology-.
E-Voting System

A-Registration Part in website-
5-Voter card /Aadhaar card No
6-Mobile no.
7-Email ID
8-Upload resent photo-
B -Calling by phone or letter to present in Block office or regional election office along with personal identity details paper for Personal code for E-voting system.
C-Enquiry to be conducted by Block development officer/ regional election officer for Issuing Personal code slip.
D -Voting - entering E-voting system through ID and Password and putting Personal code in election date and time
E-Displaying voter details with photo and casting vote for MLA or MP
F-Confirmation would send to mobile and Email.
Thanks for casting vote for MLA or MP along with IP address of Internet.

11- In village area people would cast their vote in mobile or “”JANSSEVA KENDRA “
12- EVM to be modified for illiterate people .They can open the E-voting system by thumb impression or eye contact; and casting their vote by touching the symbol accordingly.
13-Thumb impression and voter data would be taken in every Panchayat for E-voting system for illiterate people.
14-All vote to be counted in one E-voting system in below way.
E-voting System in village
E-Voting System for illiterate people in rural and urban area
Booth one for MLA
Booth two for MP in same room.
Display voter details by putting thumb or eye contact in system for entering to system
Display Symbol and rejection option again through thumb impression or eye contact.
Touch to any symbol for casting of vote.
Hooter would be buzzing after completed the casting of vote, there will no second option for casting vote.
All data goes to central system automatically, no counting is required.
Election result would be declared within a minute.
15-Various dongle for internet connection to be used in E-voting system for avoid the abstraction in rural and urban area mean for illiterate people.
16-Fraud cannot be done in election.
17- One or two E-voting machine will be required in one Panchayat, because more percentage people go through own set, it will stop the paper transaction, reduce the expenditure and help for balance the ecology.
18-Private agency would be conducting the election in rural and urban area for illiterate people, because no can make fraud.
Step towards magnificence reform in voting system would help to improve country economy, reduce violence and make fair in election.

Social care Author ,Speaker,Motivator,Consultant and various motivating courses designer –
Madhu Sudana Parida
International Integration Bond
Mobile no- 9437753040
Email ID- iib_india@rediffmail.com

E-voting system



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Re: E-voting system

Post by Pranalisharma »

Thanks for sharing such useful information on e - voting system.
visit : http://finfyi.com/aadhar-card-download/

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Re: E-voting system

Post by John86045 »

If we start listing the supplies or essentials of an Electronic Voting Systems we will find a surplus of aspects. To list a few of them here, I would say that the most important is the ability to restore notice of the audience. If there is attention there is a true advice. Any Electronic Voting System should also be capable of tracking person responses and displaying polling results immediately. And an added quality could be that a synopsis report is created instantly after the responses are gathered. This will give the true picture of the audience reply and improve faster decision making.
Thanks& regards,
John Pitter
http://www.electionequipment.asia/elect ... llot-boxes

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Re: E-voting system

Post by msparida »

Thanks for comment

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Re: E-voting system

Post by debendra »

Wow, nice post. Thanks for this information. https://www.odiaweb.in/

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Re: E-voting system

Post by msparida »


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Re: E-voting system

Post by rohit762014 »

Very Nice Post

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Re: E-voting system

Post by pablotree »

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