I got a part time job with a contractor, but the problem is that I do not know anything about banking such as ,
how to deposit money, how much can i deposit at a time, what is challan, what is overdraft and other likes. if any one help, i will be grateful to him.
about general knowledge of banking.
- Little Oriya
- Posts: 1
- Joined: May 30th, '11, 17:02
Re: about general knowledge of banking.
At first you should open an bank account .Go to your nearest nationalised bank with aperson who have an account previously in that bank.He will be your garenter.Open an account & save your earned money.
Then after slowly you can know the other related factors.
At first you should open an bank account .Go to your nearest nationalised bank with aperson who have an account previously in that bank.He will be your garenter.Open an account & save your earned money.
Then after slowly you can know the other related factors.