Deep professional attitude and social care

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Deep professional attitude and social care

Post by msparida »

My role in current era
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are the people of current era, being facilitated by current socio-economy systems for life and growth. Be sure, our deep professional attention for accelerating the productivity of social systems, procedures and technology;owing to humanity and justice along with balancing the ecology; are also our contribution towards human civilization .Worldwide every social system, procedure and technology connected to socio-economy is the gift of individual and collective evolutionary knowledge to human civilization. Therefore; as a human one’s duty to think something new or tend more attention in own profession which will help to nurturing and nourishing more to own professional motto in every point of view and fulfill others motto in the society for life and growth.Such positive attitude in profession; facilitates self to get salvation means feeling happiness in day-to-day life. Innovating and positive motto in profession draw a simple and easy solution to establish humanity, justice, liberty, characteristics and prosperity in our immediate society and worldwide society.

Natural resources of earth, one’s existence, consciousness, happiness, knowledge and intelligence are provided by providence .Therefore everyone has potential to taking leadership in own area or large community for leading a smooth life of everyone. Making system to connect amongst individual leadership in one profession in term of social reformation committee invites enhancement of collective socio-economy growth of immediate surrounding along with global society. In other angle it would help to establish interdependent, integrated, prosperous and peace world.

We request you to kindly continue your deep professional attitudes for self-motto as well as society motto, and extend your hand any of social reform committee as per your instinct and habit or as suitable to your profession for reduce foolishness and repulsion intelligent in our immediate surroundings. Such noble contribution will help to improve leadership amongst common people and reduce poverty; violence is the key of peace and balance socio-economy society.

Thanking You

Deep professional attitude and social care



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