Quality and Industry

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Quality and Industry

Post by msparida »

Journey of Quality – Continuous proceeding owing to contemporary socio-economy environment for establish self motto and fulfilling the motto of organization; and society by reforming own attitude ,system,process,technology for improving more service of man ,machine and material with delighting to the customers and balancing to safety ,ecology,humanity,justice is journey of quality.
Attitude- Attitude is temperament and it is connected to instinct and habit. Instinct and habit is developed by born reformation and environment impulses. Therefore, one may be foolish positive, foolish negative, intelligent negative and intelligent positive .Four category of men /women are in our society and they are working in industry or three wings of government or as one-man entrepreneur for acquisition to fulfill self-motto and organizational motto .One man entrepreneurships are facing directly risk of profit and losses. So they are cautious for their attitude towards fulfill the motto of self and organization; and changing selves accordingly. But where collective responsible is coming in an organization that time someone cannot easily willing to reform own negative attitude ,which is harm for self and organization in various term like self unhappy,misutilization of natural resources, break down of machine ,occurring accident,disstatisfection of internal and external customers, creating pollution, and abstract of system etc.

Reformation- It is true that motivation and training is part of management or governing body to reform the negative attitude towards organizational motto through various methods. Some extend such step of reformation is helping to reform the negative attitude. But really negative attitude is tend to nurturing the system, machine and natural resources by afraid of job security, punishment or for recognition or getting money for work, which is the evolutionary challenge for management of every field.

Self-quality and goal of life - Attitude is temperament. Temperament management is perpetual divinity.Divilinity is way to realize own negativeness and find way to reform self for amusing prosperity and feeling happiness , not sorrow or pauper or superstition or degeneration of offspring. Temperament is gift of providence for happiness and prosperity. Then use of temperament ( consciousness, knowledge and positive intelligence) in everywhere of life invites happiness and prosperity both for self , offspring ,organization and society .Such truth to be highlighted in such a perpetual way as suitable to bottom to top in every field of society will draw a journey of quality for self, organization and society , not destination .May follow the website www.spiritually-industrialengagement.weebly.com

Subscribed by:-
Madhu Sudana Parida
International Integration Bond (NGO)
Mobile no- 9437753040

Quality and Industry



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