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Happy returns for Srikrushna janmastami( 17th August)
Posted: Aug 15th, '14, 23:41
by suchitra bahidar
Many many warm wishes for the happy Independence day of our nation. The day after tomorrow( 17th August) will be Srikrushna janmastami. Many happy returns of that day also.
Re: Happy returns for Srikrushna janmastami( 17th August)
Posted: Aug 17th, '14, 23:41
by swatibaral
May all the prayers be answered & all the dreams of real devotees come true.
Krishna janmashtami is celebrated in the month of Shravan and it is the eighth day of Krishna paksh on the month of shravan. The people take fast from the midnights and they swing the idol of Krishna with devotional songs in temples and homes.
Re: Happy returns for Srikrushna janmastami( 17th August)
Posted: Aug 24th, '16, 23:23
by chandrakant
Today, Janmastami is being celebrated on 24th August 2016. Many many warm wishes of the day.
Swati has wrote that, Janmastami is celebrated in the monfh of sravan. No. actually it is celebrated in the month of Bhadrab.