Wish you a happy Dola purnima and Holi, 2017.
Today( 12th March 2017) is celebrated as Dola purnima. Tomorrow is Holi. Though the festival of Holi is observed for a day in all over the country, the festival is celebrated for five days in Odisha. It starts from "Fagu Dasami", the tenth day of the bright fortnight of the month of Falguna. Smearing the heads with 'Abira' (a coloured powder) the people take round the idols of Dolagovinda in decorated palanquins known as "Veemana". On the fourteenth day of the fortnight there is a function in which a straw-hut is set to fire amidst much amusement and excitement. This is known as "Holika dahana" .
This year( 2018), Dola purnima will be celebrated on 1st March and Holi on 2nd March. Now a days, the charm of Dola festival is decreasing. People are enjoying the Holi very much.