Prof.Manoj Das( famous novelist & writer) will get the 2013 Amritakeerti Puraskar National Award.
Prof.Manoj Das( famous novelist & writer) will get the 2013 Amritakeerti Puraskar National Award. He has also got the Padmashri award. These awards are annually given to those individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of spirituality, science or literature & philosophyetc. This award carry a cash prize of Rs. 1,23,456, a statue of Goddess Saraswati & a citation from Mata Amritanandamayi Math( MAM ).
The award will be given on on September 27 in Amritapuri during the occasion of Birthday Celebrations of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi(Amma).
Prof.Manoj Das will get the 2013 Amritakeerti Puraskar
Re: Prof.Manoj Das will get the 2013 Amritakeerti Puraskar
According to me, he is the best writer of our state. He should got this award. I like all his writings.